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Welcome to OpenDI

We're glad you're here! The purpose of this website is to publish OpenDI standards, materials, and resources for you to use and contribute to.

Currently, standards are in draft / working draft format and may need significant additions, adjustments, or other contributions before they are ready for full use.

We want your input!
Please consider contributing, and joining the OpenDI Discord community.

Who is OpenDI?

We are a decentralized group of entrepreneurs, executives, researchers, government leaders, and educators working to build an inclusive Decision Intelligence (DI) ecosystem dedicated to driving technological innovation, collaboration, and advancements in human decision making. Our goal is simple: to break down the barriers that hinder progress and create a more open and integrated platform for Decision Intelligence technologies and services.


For two thousand years, humanity has created separate disciplines: economics, data science, artificial intelligence, medicine, computer science, complex systems analysis, psychology, and hundreds more. Solutions to our greatest problems require that we move from these specializations and knowledge silos of our history to a fundamentally new integration that connects knowledge to science to actions to achieve outcomes.

Why? Because the greatest problems of our time — be they inequality, climate, conflict, or how your business can best succeed — can only be solved by understanding how decisions in one realm affect another, and by using the power of data to see further than ever before, along with AI to analzye that data.

But connecting the disciplines isn't enough. They also have to be connected to the decisions made by people whose consequences have effects near and far.

The OpenDI ecosystem — which is centered around the discipline of Decision Intelligence (which gives a blueprint for how to fit the pieces together) is the catalyst for this integration. We're on a mission to empower you to make informed choices in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

What is an integrated ecosystem whose mission includes creating standards for Decision Intelligence. We curate a source of truth for how Decision Intelligence software systems interact, thereby allowing small and large participants alike to provide parts of an overall solution. By uniting decision makers, architects, asset managers, simulation managers, administrators, engineers, and researchers around a common framework that connects technology to actions that lead to outcomes, we are paving the way for diverse contributors to solve local and global challenges, and to lower barriers to entry for all Decision Intelligence stakeholders.

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OpenDI Standards

OpenDI is a brand-new initiative, and this is reflected by our small set of initial standards drafts. You can read them by following the links below.

Roles and User Stories

Describes a standardized language for talking about decision makers as they formalize — and build computer systems that help them to make — decisions.

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(Working Draft) JSON Schema

Describes a format for files that contain Causal Decision Models (CDMs): the core representation of DI and the ecosystem.

This resource is in working draft state, meaning it is still under heavy development.
While this resource may receive significant changes in a short time, comments and other input on its current state are still welcome!

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API Specification

Describes an interchange format for how components of a DI system talk to another. Just as you computer's keyboard can be made by one company, it's chips by another, and your mouse by a third, this API specification allows elements of a DI system to communicate in a standard language, thereby supporting a vibrant ecosystem of vendors, researchers, educators, and users.

This resource is in pre-development, meaning it is not yet ready for public comment.

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Want to join an exciting group of visionaries who are helping to create OpenDI?

Check out the contribution guide!
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Join the OpenDI Discord community!


David Roberts, Lorien Pratt, Nadine Malcolm, Isaac Kellogg.
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